Saturday, November 16, 2013

Altaaqa Global Nominated for Two Platts Global Energy Awards

Altaaqa Global nominated in two major categories and Caterpillar Inc. nominated in one category 

Altaaqa Global has recently been selected as a finalist for the Platts Global Energy Awards, an annual program honoring and recognizing excellence in leadership, innovation and performance in the industry.

Competing head-to-head with the best energy organizations around the world, Altaaqa Global has been nominated for an award in two major categories: Premier Project Awards – Construction and Premier Project Awards – Engineering. In the history of this program, Altaaqa Global is the only rental company that has made it to the finals. Caterpillar Inc. has been nominated as well for the Leading Technologies Awards – Commercial Application.

Often considered the “Oscars” of the energy industry, the Global Energy Awards received case studies from over 200 companies this year. Winners will be announced at a celebration on December 12 in New York City.

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About Altaaqa Global

Altaaqa Global, a subsidiary of Zahid Group, has been selected by Caterpillar Inc . to deliver multi-megawatt turnkey temporary power solutions worldwide. The company owns, mobilizes, installs, and operates efficient temporary independent power plants (IPP’s) at customer sites, focusing on the emerging markets of Sub-Sahara Africa, Central Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, Latin America, South East Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Offering power rental equipment that will operate with different types of fuel such as diesel, HFO, natural gas, or dual-fuel, AltaaqaGlobal is positioned to rapidly deploy and provide temporary power plant solutions, delivering electricity whenever and wherever it may be needed. 

Learn more about interim power plants, temporary energy solutions & rental power generator for mining, airports (aviation), industrial manufacturing, government services, sea ports (maritime), utilities, power distribution, electricity transmission, power generation and rural electrification at  
Learn more on how we are solving the electricity shortage, power outages, energy crisis, load shedding, rolling blackouts and plant turnarounds at

Altaaqa Global, filiale du groupe Zahid, a été sélectionnée par Caterpillar pour installer ses solutions clés en main de production temporaire d'électricité dans le monde entier. Avec son offre de location d'équipements capables de fonctionner avec différents carburants (diesel, gaz naturel ou bicarburant), Altaaqa Global est bien positionnée pour déployer rapidement des solutions de génération électrique temporaire afin de produire l'électricité à l'endroit et au moment où les besoins sont les plus grands.

Altaaqa Global, filial de Zahid Group, ha sido seleccionada por Caterpillar para proporcionar soluciones de energía temporales llave en mano multimegavatio en todo el mundo. Con una oferta de equipos energéticos de alquiler que funcionan con diferentes tipos de combustible como diésel, gas natural, o dos combustibles, Altaaqa Global está posicionada para desplegar rápidamente y proporcionar soluciones de plantas de energía temporales, proporcionando electricidad cuando y donde se necesite.

A Altaaqa Global, uma subsidiária do Zahid Group, foi selecionada pela Caterpillar para fornecer soluções de energia temporária em multimegawatts de pronto uso em todo o mundo. Oferecendo equipamentos de energia para aluguel que operam com diferentes tipos de combustível, como diesel, gás natural ou duplo combustível, a Altaaqa Global está em posição para implementar rapidamente e fornecer soluções de usinas de energia temporária, fornecendo eletricidade quando e onde for necessário.

نبذة عن شركة الطاقة جلوبال
تم اختيار شركة الطاقة جلوبال، إحدى فروع مجموعة زاهد بالمملكة العربية السعودية، من قبل شركة كاتربيلر لتقديم الحلول الشاملة للطاقة المؤقتة متعددة الميجاوات حول العالم. وتمتلك الشركة وتعد وتنشئ وتشغل محطات الطاقة المستقلة والمؤقتة والفعالة (IPP’s) بمواقع العميل وتركز على الأسواق النامية في مناطق شبه الصحراء الأفريقية، وآسيا الوسطى، وشبه القارة الهندية، وأمريكا اللاتينية وجنوب شرق آسيا، والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا الشمالية. ومن خلال توفير معدات الطاقة المؤقتة التي تعمل على أنواع من الوقود مثل الديزل والغاز الطبيعي والوقود المزدوج، تتميز شركة الطاقة جلوبال بقدرتها على الإمداد السريع وتوفير الحلول لمحطات الطاقة المؤقتة وتوفير الكهرباء في أي وقت وفي أي مكان بحاجة إلى الكهرباء. 

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