Sunday, January 25, 2015

Temporary power plants could have turned this movie around

No, this is not a review of The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Dawn), the 2014 sequel to the 2011 franchise reboot, The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Let us just call this an introspection: An examination of how a not-so-unrealistic sci-fi movie conflict could have been salvaged by practical solutions.

For those who have not seen the movie, let us give you a short background:

Almost 99% of all humans had been wiped out by a lab-created virus. Roughly a few thousand humans that were genetically immune to the virus were quarantined, and, realizing that they were the only ones left, had started to construct a microcosmic world within the confines of a walled city. 

After a few years of living in isolation, their resources were gradually drying up. The power station that sustained them for several years was showing signs of failing, thus, a handful of men were sent off to tap the potential of a deserted hydropower plant outside the walled city. The quarantined humans were pinning their hopes on the alternative power source, as the existing plant can support them for only a few more days. The continued existence of the human race lied in this mission.

The problem was the world outside the walled city was governed by intelligent apes in war against the humans. In order for the humans to have access to the abandoned hydroplant, they needed to negotiate with the apes and hope that their discussions would bear an agreement. The negotiations, however, might not at all turn out to be friendly….

Though Dawn was a product of pure imagination, the movie revolved around a plot that could potentially happen in real life. Unpredicted catastrophes could hit and paralyze an entire city or country; power sources could fail or be exhausted; businesses and economies could collapse due to a lack of electricity; and negotiations and approval processes for new sources of electricity could turn out challenging, if not at all hostile.

But, what sets reality apart from Dawn’s cinematic exploits is the fact that in our world, temporary power plants exist. Had mobile power stations existed in the movie, they could have provided an instant solution to the problems of the surviving humans. The humans, then, could have averted venturing into a hostile territory with not enough time for preparation and negotiation. They would have enjoyed electrical power when needed while waiting for the representatives of both humans and apes to come into terms and mutually agree to work in revitalizing the abandoned hydroplant.

In our world, human existence need not end when power runs out. While a power scarcity could spell calamitous consequences for households, businesses and economies, we have the means to prepare for it and to actually forestall it. With the continuous improvement in temporary power technologies, their applications continue to expand and their efficiency and benefits improve. Rental energy systems may not be the technology that could vow to save the world from any conceivable disaster, but they sure have the power to provide humans with a sustained decent living, continued business profits and viable economic growth.


Robert Bagatsing
Altaaqa Global
Tel: +971 56 1749505

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